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Hurricane Info


Welcome to our Hurricane Info page, your trusted source of essential information and resources to help you stay prepared and informed during hurricane season in Pensacola, Florida. Living in a coastal area, it’s important to be well-equipped and educated about potential weather events. On this page, you’ll find the latest updates on hurricane forecasts, evacuation routes, emergency shelters, and safety guidelines to ensure the well-being of yourself and your loved ones. We provide valuable tips on creating an emergency plan, securing your property, and assembling a disaster supply kit. Our goal is to empower you with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate through any hurricane situation. Stay connected to our page for real-time updates, official announcements, and expert advice from local authorities. Your safety is our top priority, and together, we can weather any storm that comes our way.

Staying Safe In Pensacola, Florida During Hurricane Season: A Comprehensive Guide

Hurricane season is a time of uncertainty and potential danger, but with proper preparation, you can safeguard yourself and your loved ones. At PensacolaFlorida.com, we believe in empowering you with expert knowledge to navigate through these challenging times confidently. This comprehensive guide will provide essential tips and strategies to stay safe during hurricane season.

Understanding Hurricane Season: Know Your Foe

To stay ahead of the game, it’s crucial to understand the ins and outs of hurricane season. From June to November, these powerful storms can wreak havoc on communities. Stay informed about weather updates and learn about hurricane characteristics to make informed decisions.

Creating a Family Emergency Plan: Unite for Safety

In times of crisis, having a family emergency plan is your best defense. Gather your family members and discuss evacuation routes, designated meeting points, and essential contact information. Assign responsibilities to each member to ensure a smooth response during emergencies.

Assembling an Emergency Kit: Be Prepared

An emergency kit can be a lifesaver during a hurricane. Include non-perishable food, sufficient water, medications, and a first-aid kit. Don’t forget flashlights, batteries, and a battery-operated radio. Store important documents in a waterproof container for added protection.

Securing Your Home: Fortify Your Castle

Protecting your home is paramount. Reinforce doors and windows with storm shutters or boards. Trim trees and shrubs to prevent damage from falling branches. Secure outdoor furniture and other loose items to avoid hazards in strong winds.

Evacuation Preparations: Know When to Leave

When authorities issue an evacuation order, act promptly. Familiarize yourself with designated evacuation routes and pack essentials from your emergency kit. Inform friends or family about your plans and destination.

During the Hurricane: Stay Safe Indoors

Once the hurricane arrives, prioritize safety. Seek shelter in a sturdy room away from windows. Stay tuned to weather updates via radio, TV, or smartphone apps. Avoid flooded areas and remain vigilant.

After the Hurricane Passes: Assess the Damage

Even after the storm, dangers may linger. Wait for authorities’ clearance before returning home. Inspect your property for damages and take photographs for insurance purposes. Watch out for hazards like downed power lines and debris.

FAQs: Your Hurricane Season Questions Answered

Q: How long does hurricane season last? A: Hurricane season typically spans from June to November.

Q: What should I include in my emergency kit? A: Your emergency kit should contain non-perishable food, water, medications, a first-aid kit, flashlights, batteries, a battery-operated radio, personal hygiene items, and important documents.

Q: How do I secure my home during a hurricane? A: Install storm shutters or board up windows, trim trees and shrubs, and secure outdoor items to protect your home from potential damage.

Q: When should I evacuate during a hurricane? A: Follow evacuation orders from authorities promptly and be prepared to leave when necessary.

Q: What should I do after the hurricane passes? A: Wait for authorities’ clearance before returning home, inspect your property for damages, and be cautious of hazards like downed power lines and debris.

Remember, preparedness is key to facing hurricane season with confidence. Stay informed, create a family emergency plan, and assemble your emergency kit. Stay safe!

Unleashing the Power of Hurricane Resources: Your Online Guide


As hurricane season approaches, it’s crucial to be armed with the right tools and resources to ensure your safety and preparedness. In this digital age, the internet is a treasure trove of valuable information and assistance during these challenging times. In this article, we’ll take you on a virtual journey through a selection of online hurricane resources that will help you stay informed, make necessary preparations, and navigate through the stormy waters of uncertainty. So, let’s dive in and explore the power of online hurricane resources!

1. National Hurricane Center (NHC) – https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/

The National Hurricane Center, part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), is the primary authority when it comes to tracking and forecasting hurricanes. Their website provides a wealth of information, including the latest hurricane advisories, storm tracks, and satellite imagery. Stay updated on the development and progression of hurricanes in your area, enabling you to make informed decisions and take necessary precautions.

2. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) – https://www.fema.gov/

FEMA is a vital resource for disaster preparedness and response. Their website offers a range of hurricane-related information and guidance. Explore their resources on evacuation plans, emergency supply kits, and steps to protect your home. Additionally, FEMA provides real-time updates on disaster declarations, assistance programs, and contact information for local emergency management agencies.

3. Ready.gov – https://www.ready.gov/

Ready.gov is an official website managed by FEMA that focuses on preparedness for various disasters, including hurricanes. Here, you’ll find comprehensive guides on creating emergency communication plans, assembling disaster supply kits, and safeguarding your property. Take advantage of their checklists and tips to ensure you’re ready to face any challenges that may arise during hurricane season.

4. The Weather Channel – https://weather.com/

When it comes to staying informed about current weather conditions and forecasts, The Weather Channel website is a go-to source. Access their hurricane-specific section to track storms, view interactive maps, and gather detailed information on potential impacts. Stay one step ahead with their hour-by-hour forecasts and expert analysis, helping you make well-informed decisions based on the latest weather data.

5. American Red Cross – https://www.redcross.org/

The American Red Cross provides invaluable support during times of disaster, including hurricanes. Their website offers essential resources for hurricane preparedness, safety tips, and guidance on evacuation procedures. Additionally, you can access their Safe and Well website to register yourself as safe or search for loved ones in the aftermath of a hurricane.

6. National Weather Service – https://www.weather.gov/

The National Weather Service (NWS) plays a crucial role in disseminating weather information across the United States. Their website provides localized forecasts, severe weather alerts, and storm prediction data. Stay connected with their social media channels and sign up for email or SMS alerts to receive timely notifications and updates directly to your inbox or mobile device.

7. Local News Websites and Apps

Stay tuned to your local news websites and download their corresponding mobile apps to receive localized updates on hurricane developments, evacuation orders, emergency shelters, and road closures. These platforms often provide live streams, interactive radar, and community-specific information to keep you informed about the latest news and events in your area.


In the digital age, online hurricane resources are indispensable tools for staying safe and well-prepared. From official government websites to trusted weather sources and community-based platforms, the internet offers a vast array of resources at your fingertips. Take advantage of these online resources to track storms, create emergency plans, access vital information, and connect with local authorities and support networks. Remember, knowledge and preparedness are the keys to weathering the storm. Stay informed, stay safe, and stay resilient!