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Repurposing Jewelry

Heirlooms, especially jewelry, connect us with our families. Little mementos remind us of our loved ones and our brightest moments. But what happens when your heirloom jewelry doesn’t suit your day-to-day needs? How can you incorporate your heirloom into your outfits when the styles just don’t match?

Cummings Jewelry Design answers these questions with a premium service: repurposing jewelry.

The answer isn’t keeping your heirlooms tucked away and dusty, and it certainly isn’t selling your cherished mementos. Cummings Jewelry Design specializes in transforming and remodeling heirlooms into custom-made masterpieces.


How Does Repurposing Jewelry Work?

The process begins with you and your jewelry. Maybe you’ve inherited a brooch, an heirloom close to your heart, but you’re someone who has never worn brooches. Maybe you prefer necklaces. If your brooch were a necklace, you would probably wear it more.

This is where Cummings Jewelry Design comes in. Repurposing jewelry is the best way to keep your heirlooms in your family and in your wardrobe. Cummings Jewelry Design creates custom jewelry exactly to your specifications either from scratch or using your old jewelry. This service can even transform your brooch into a necklace.

But heirlooms are special, aren’t they? They’re one-of-a-kind memories. How can you trust Cummings Jewelry Design?

Well, to begin, you and a custom jewelry design specialist will meet and discuss exactly what you’re looking for. This will be a good opportunity to learn about Cummings Jewelry Design and realize their designers know their craft. Your designer will listen to your hopes with the project, and then they will offer their own creative suggestions. Creating custom jewelry is a team effort, and you’ll be directly involved from the beginning. You’ll personally see whom you’ll entrust your jewelry with.

If you’re still worried—which is understandable—you’re absolutely welcome to drop by and see Cummings Jewelry Design’s custom jobs!


What Happens Afterward?

Even after your custom jewelry repurposing is finished, the support doesn’t stop. Cummings Jewelry Design will repair your redesigned heirloom should it be damaged. They will even refit your heirloom—maybe you’ve redesigned a wedding ring you inherited, and now you’re ready to pass that ring down the same way. Cummings Jewelry Design will refit your custom jewelry to any specifications you need.

Cummings Jewelry Design has stood for forty years with excellent customer service, and you’re as special to the company as your heirloom is to you.

Visit Cummings Jewelry Design’s website and begin your custom jewelry project or heirloom repurposing today! 

Written By Garrett Gerona