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Judging Functions: Part One

You’ve become interested in MBTI, and the Myers-Briggs, and now you’re learning about each cognitive function. You figured out what the original eight letters mean, but how does all this Ti, Fi, Si, etc. stuff work?

Cognitive functions are broken into two groups of eight: four judging functions and four perceiving functions. Each type has two judging functions and two perceiving functions. In this article, we’ll cover the two extraverted judging functions: extraverted feeling (Fe) and extraverted thinking (Te).


What Is Fe?

Fe, extraverted feeling, is the function responsible for group harmony. Types which use Fe are particularly attuned to others’ emotions: Fe-users instantly detect and adapt to others’ feelings, especially intense feelings. Fe goes beyond simply “detecting” others’ feelings, however—people’s emotions wield great power over Fe-users. FJs and TPs (eight types who use Fe) often find themselves at the mercy of others’ bad moods and cannot feel happy while others are unhappy.

Fe-users repress their own emotions and values to reflect those of others. Fe-users draw most of their emotional states from those around them, and this reflection allows them to “know what to say” to keep everyone happy. TPs are weaker with Fe, so their social/emotional missteps are more common, and their feelings are easier to damage in the face of these mistakes. FJs are stronger with Fe, so they’re abler to improve others’ moods while maintaining their own emotional integrity.


What Is Te?

Te, extraverted thinking, is the function responsible for organization and logistics. Types that use Te feel the drive to work and know how to accomplish their goals. Te-users tend to admire discipline and dauntless perseverance, and they often strive to develop these traits themselves. Te-users see their resources and goals as pieces of a bigger puzzle, and they work to produce quick, efficient, material results.


Te-users, TJs, and FPs, favor action over contemplation or debate. When deadlines need to be met, Te-users prefer acting quickly with an okay plan over acting slowly with a perfect plan. FPs are weaker with Te, so they’re more prone to procrastination, but they usually keep themselves busy with hands-on, involved activities. TJs are stronger with Te, so they’re more decisive with their actions and thorough in their planning, and many feel guilty or restless during leisure. 

Written By Garrett Gerona