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Protecting Dogs from Heat: Essential Tips for Walking on Asphalt

Written By Kathlene Rushing
Posted on
Categories: Community, Family

hot for pets

Protect Your Dog In This Summer Heat

As responsible dog owners, we understand the importance of protecting our furry companions from the dangers of severe heat, particularly when walking our dogs on asphalt surfaces during hot weather. This article will provide comprehensive information and practical tips on protecting your dog’s paws and overall health when venturing out on asphalt in scorching temperatures. Following these guidelines lets you enjoy your walks while keeping your beloved pet safe and comfortable, protecting your dog from heat.

The Hazards of Hot Asphalt

Walking on hot asphalt can pose significant risks to dogs. The asphalt can reach scorching temperatures under the summer sun, potentially causing burns and discomfort to their sensitive paw pads. Knowing the dangers and taking proactive measures to protect your dog from the heat is important.

Assessing Asphalt Temperature

Before setting out on your walk, assessing the temperature of the asphalt is crucial. Place the back of your hand on the surface and hold it there for a few seconds. If the asphalt feels too hot for your hand, it is too hot for your dog’s paws. In such cases, it’s advisable to avoid walking your dog on the asphalt and seek alternative routes or surfaces.

Choosing the Right Time

Timing is key when walking your dog on asphalt during hot weather. Opt for early mornings or late evenings when the temperatures are cooler. This reduces the risk of exposing your dog’s paws to extreme heat. Additionally, these times of the day often provide a more pleasant experience for you and your furry friend.

dogs in hot cars

Protective Measures for Dog’s Paws

To protect your dog from the heat of the asphalt, consider implementing the following measures:

  1. Dog Booties: Invest in dog booties designed to provide insulation and protection from hot surfaces. These booties are a barrier between your dog’s paws and the scorching asphalt, preventing burns and discomfort. Ensure the booties fit properly and are made of breathable materials for maximum comfort.
  2. Paw Wax: Applying paw wax or balm can create a protective layer on your dog’s pads, shielding them from the heat. These products form a barrier against the hot asphalt while moisturizing the paw pads. Choose a safe paw wax for dogs and follow the application instructions.
  3. Moist Towel or Cooling Mats: Before heading out for a walk, you can cool your dog’s paws by wiping them with a damp towel or allowing them to rest on a cooling mat. This can help reduce their paw pad temperature and provide a refreshing sensation during the walk.
  4. Alternative Surfaces: Look for alternative walking surfaces that are cooler than asphalt. Grass, dirt paths, or shaded trails are gentler on your dog’s paws and can significantly reduce the risk of burns. Explore nearby parks or nature reserves offering suitable surfaces for dog-friendly walking areas.dog locked in hot car

Hydration and Shade

In addition to protecting their paws, ensuring your dog stays hydrated and has access to shade during walks on hot asphalt is crucial. Follow these guidelines to keep your furry friend cool and comfortable:

  1. Water Breaks: Carry a portable water bottle and a collapsible bowl to provide your dog with regular water breaks. Encourage them to drink and stay hydrated during the walk, especially in hot weather.
  2. Shaded Routes: Plan your walks to include shaded areas along the way. This allows your dog to take refuge from the direct sun and hot surfaces, providing relief and preventing overheating.
  3. Pavement vs. Grass: Walking on grassy areas adjacent to the asphalt whenever possible. Grass provides a cooler and more comfortable surface for your dog’s paws. Take advantage of parks, green spaces, or residential areas with grassy strips to minimize the time spent on hot asphalt.
  4. Umbrellas or Canopies: If shade is limited along your chosen route, consider bringing a portable umbrella or a canopy to create shade for your dog during breaks. This provides a temporary oasis from the heat and allows them to rest comfortably.

Signs of Discomfort or Heat Exhaustion

During walks on hot asphalt, monitoring your dog for any signs of discomfort or heat exhaustion is crucial. Be attentive to the following indicators to protect your dog from the heat:

  • Excessive panting and drooling
  • Lethargy or reluctance to walk further
  • Paw licking or limping
  • Seeking shade or lying down frequently
  • Rapid or heavy breathing
  • Redness or blisters on paw pads
  • Vomiting or diarrhea
  • Collapse or loss of consciousness

If you observe any of these signs, acting promptly is essential. Find a shaded area, offer your dog water, and contact a veterinarian for further guidance.

dog locked in hot car

Exploring Other Exercise Options

On exceptionally hot days with extreme asphalt temperatures, exploring alternative exercise options for your dog’s well-being may be best. Consider the following activities that can help keep your dog active and mentally stimulated while avoiding the hazards of hot asphalt:

  1. Indoor Playtime: Engage in interactive play sessions indoors using toys such as fetch, tug-of-war, or puzzle toys. This provides exercise while keeping your dog in a climate-controlled environment.
  2. Obedience Training: Use indoor training sessions to teach your dog new and reinforce existing commands. Mental stimulation is just as important as physical exercise.
  3. Swimming: If your dog enjoys swimming and you have access to a safe water source, consider taking them for a swim. It’s a great way to cool off while providing a low-impact exercise option.
  4. Doggy Daycare or Indoor Dog Facilities: Enroll your dog in a reputable doggy daycare or visit indoor dog facilities with supervised play and exercise areas. These facilities provide a controlled environment with proper ventilation and temperature regulation.

Remember, the well-being and safety of your dog should always be a top priority. Pay attention to their needs, adjust your walking routine accordingly, and be proactive in protecting them from the hazards of hot asphalt.

Walking your dog on asphalt during severe summer heat requires extra precautions to ensure their safety and comfort. By assessing the asphalt temperature, choosing the right time for walks, using protective measures for their paws, providing shade and hydration, and recognizing signs of discomfort or heat exhaustion, you can protect your beloved pet from the dangers of hot surfaces.

Remember, every dog is unique, and their tolerance to heat may vary. Be attentive to their needs and adapt your walking routine accordingly. When in doubt, consult with your veterinarian for specific guidance based on your dog’s breed, age, and overall health.

By following these essential tips and prioritizing your dog’s well-being, you can enjoy quality time together while keeping them safe from the heat of asphalt. Happy walking!

walking dog in hot sun
Unveiling the Hot Reality

When we step outside during the summer, we encounter a myriad of outdoor surfaces that can become surprisingly hot. Awareness of the potential risks is crucial, whether it’s the pavement beneath our bare feet, the dog park we visit with our dogs or the poolside deck where we relax.

Asphalt: A Fiery Encounter

Let’s start with asphalt, one of the most common outdoor surfaces we encounter daily. Under the scorching summer sun, asphalt can heat up to an astonishing 150°F (65.6°C) or even higher on a typical sunny day. Walking on this blazing hot surface without proper protection can be uncomfortable or unsafe. To minimize direct contact, we highly recommend wearing suitable footwear or seeking shaded areas whenever possible. Be sure that your dog’s paws are protected.

Concrete: Sizzling and Unforgiving

Next up is concrete, another widely used outdoor surface. Concrete is notorious for retaining heat, making it a potential danger when exposed to prolonged sunlight. The surface temperatures of concrete can soar to a staggering 120°F to 140°F (48.9°C to 60°C) or even higher. Whether it’s a concrete patio, a driveway, or a public walkway, it’s essential to exercise caution and take preventive measures to avoid burns or discomfort. Consider using mats or heat-insulating materials to create a protective barrier between yourself and the scorching concrete. Be sure that your dog’s paws are protected. Their paws can burn.

Metal: Heat Amplifiers

Metal surfaces, such as handrails, playground equipment, or picnic tables, possess a unique characteristic of absorbing and amplifying heat rapidly. Due to their high thermal conductivity, metal objects become significantly hotter than the surrounding air temperature. On a scorching summer day, these surfaces can reach temperatures well above 140°F (60°C), which poses a considerable risk of burns upon direct contact. We recommend exercising caution and using protective covers or gloves when interacting with hot metal surfaces to ensure safety. Be sure that your dog does not have to walk on metal.

Sand: A Seemingly Innocent Burner

Who doesn’t love spending time at the beach or playing in a sandy playground? However, knowing the potential heat generated by sand under the sun’s rays is crucial. Sand absorbs and retains heat, producing surface temperatures exceeding 100°F (37.8°C). Protect your feet from the blistering sand by wearing appropriate footwear, and consider creating shaded areas with umbrellas or sunshades for a bit of relief from the scorching sand. Protect your dog’s paws from the sand.

Wood: Warmth with Caution

Wooden surfaces, such as decks or benches, can become surprisingly hot when exposed to direct sunlight. Although wood generally absorbs less heat than other materials, it can still reach temperatures of 100°F to 120°F (37.8°C to 48.9°C). It’s important to be mindful of potential discomfort or burns while walking or sitting on wooden surfaces. Placing cushions or towels on wooden chairs can help insulate them from excessive heat, ensuring a more comfortable experience. Remember it’s important to keep your dog safe, and protect them from the heat.

panting dog from heatFrequently Asked Questions (FAQs) – Walking Dogs on Concrete or Asphalt in Severe Summer Heat

Q: Is walking my dog on concrete or asphalt during summer heat safe?

A: While walking your dog on concrete or asphalt is generally safe, you must be cautious during the severe summer heat. These surfaces can become extremely hot and potentially burn your dog’s paws. It’s essential to ensure your dog’s safety and well-being.

Q: How hot can concrete or asphalt get in the summer sun?

A: Concrete and asphalt can reach scorching temperatures under the summer sun. On a typical sunny day, these surfaces can heat up to 150°F (65.6°C) or even higher. Remember that dogs’ paw pads are sensitive and can be easily burned by hot surfaces.

Q: How can I protect my dog’s paws from the heat of concrete or asphalt?

A: There are several steps you can take to protect your dog’s paws:

  • Walk your dog during cooler parts of the day, such as early morning or late evening, when the surfaces are not as hot.
  • Test the temperature of the surface with your hand before walking your dog. If it feels too hot for your hand, it’s too hot for your dog’s paws.
  • Choose shaded routes or walk on grassy areas whenever possible.
  • Use dog booties or protective paw wax to create a barrier between your dog’s paws and the hot surface.
  • Consider walking your dog on dirt paths or trails, which are cooler than concrete or asphalt.

Q: How can I tell if my dog’s paws have been burned?

A: Signs of paw pad burns include limping, excessive licking or chewing of the paws, blisters, redness, or missing patches of paw pad skin. If you notice any of these signs, it’s important to seek veterinary care immediately.

Q: What are the alternative options for exercising my dog during the summer heat?

A: During extreme heat, it’s best to explore alternative options for exercising your dog:

  • Take your dog for walks in the early morning or late evening when the temperatures are cooler.
  • Find shaded areas or parks with grassy surfaces where your dog can walk comfortably.
  • Consider indoor activities, such as interactive play sessions or obedience training, to stimulate your dog mentally and physically.
  • Provide your dog with puzzle toys or treat-dispensing toys that can keep them engaged indoors.
  • Consider using a doggy treadmill or visiting a dog-friendly indoor facility, such as a dog gym or daycare, to provide exercise in a climate-controlled environment.

Q: What are the signs of heat exhaustion or heatstroke in dogs?

A: Signs of heat exhaustion or heatstroke in dogs include excessive panting, drooling, lethargy, rapid breathing, elevated body temperature, vomiting, diarrhea, and collapse. If you suspect your dog is experiencing heat-related distress, immediately move them to a cool, shaded area, offer them water, and seek veterinary attention.

Q: How can I keep my dog cool during hot weather?

A: To keep your dog cool during hot weather, you can:

  • Provide access to fresh water at all times.
  • Set up shaded areas in your yard, or use umbrellas to create a cool spot for your dog.
  • Use cooling mats or wet towels for your dog to lie on.
  • Freeze dog-safe treats or make ice cubes with dog-friendly flavors as refreshing snacks.
  • Avoid leaving your dog in a parked car, as temperatures can rise rapidly, leading to heatstroke.

Remember, your dog’s safety should always come first. By being mindful of the heat of concrete or asphalt and taking necessary precautions, you can ensure your furry friend enjoys their walks while staying safe and comfortable in the summer heat.

By following these guidelines, you can enjoy summer while minimizing the risks associated with hot outdoor surfaces. Remember, prevention is key to staying safe in hot weather conditions.

In conclusion, understanding the potential heat levels of common outdoor surfaces empowers you to make informed decisions and take necessary precautions. Whether it’s the blazing heat of asphalt, the scorching concrete, the amplified temperatures of metal surfaces, the burning sand, or the warmth of wooden structures, being aware of the risks is essential for your well-being and the well-being of your dog. Stay hydrated, protect your skin, seek shade, wear appropriate clothing and footwear, and plan your activities wisely. Make sure that your make plans for your precious fur baby. Ensure their paws are protected, and they have plenty of water.  At PensacolaFlorida.com, we prioritize your safety and hope this article equips you with the knowledge to navigate hot outdoor surfaces confidently. Stay safe and cool for you and your pet, and make the most of the sunny days ahead!

Non-Profit Organizations In Pensacola You Can Help

Written By PensacolaFlorida.com
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Categories: Family

Non-profit organizations and businesses reflect the selflessness that has been lost in America.

Our capitalist culture has created a “me first” attitude for many of us, making it hard to find someone willing to give of their time freely … or has it?

If you are reading this, you probably disagree with the previous statement.

You are someone who gives of their time, resources, money consistently, and you know many others who also do the same.


Thank you!


Because of people like you, non-profit organizations are able to help individuals get back on their feet. With programs for food, shelter, and even healthcare, non-profit organizations are able to give back to those who are less fortunate.

Too many people see non-profits as welfare centers, helping to feed the problem in America, but that is simply not true.

We have all had bad days, weeks, months, years … if not, be thankful.


There are more than 1.3 million charitable non-profit organizations in America that help feed, shelter, teach, nurture, and restore individuals of all ages, race, and economic status.

If you are interested in helping out, here are a list of non-profit organizations that we support and we would love if you would too.


[insert list]


If you know of a non-profit organization that we should add to this list, please let us know. Tell us why they would be a great candidate to be added to our list and we will look into it.

Unique Ideas For Valentines Day In Pensacola

Written By Kathlene Rushing
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Categories: Family, Featured, Holidays, Tourism

Valentine’s Day can be one of the most romantic times of the year. Everyone in a relationship has aspirations of professing their love to their significant other in a way that will never be matched. Men and women think long and hard to figure out the best place to eat, the best place to take a stroll, or even find the perfect gift.

If you’re still trying to plan out the perfect event, here are a few traditional (and non-traditional) ideas that you can consider.


We’ve Heard Women Like Chocolate and Wine!

If your significant other likes the finer things in life, then they’ll love a night out at Wandering Oaks Winery. And while it might not be hosted on Valentine’s Day itself, it’s a great lead-in to a romantic love-fest that’ll definitely leave a good impression.


We are excited to present our next Wine and Chocolate Pairing.

We will be featuring wines from around the globe made here at Wandering Oaks, paired with artisan crafted chocolates from Cloud Nine Chocolates of Pensacola. Each pairing will come with 4 wines  wines as well as 4 chocolates hand selected to bring out the flavors in each!

You can purchase tickets at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/wine-and-chocolate-pairing-tickets-89925729277, stop by the store @ 3403 Gulf Beach Hwy, or call our store to reserve your spot at (850) 723-2739 option 3. 

Seating is limited. Pairing times will be  6:30pm & 8pm. Each seating is approximately for 1 hour.


More Information: https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Winery-Vineyard/Wandering-Oaks-Winery-106690650798844/


If Wine And Chocolate Isn’t Your Thing, Maybe Shrimp Is

Maybe wine and chocolate don’t tickle your significant other’s fancy, but maybe a Cajun Shrimp Boil will. If so, you should definitely reserve a spot at the Casa de Playa de Robeen. It’s a private beach house that is nestled away on a private beach across from the Pensacola Naval Air Station.

Enjoy a night of spice before your night of spice! Dinner will be a delicious shrimp boil paired with dessert and champagne.


Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching and we’re celebrating early!

Avoid the crowds on the 14th and come celebrate with us Saturday, February 8th @ 3pm at our Beach house, locally known as Casa de Playa de Robeen. The beach house sits on its own private beach on Bayou Grande across the water from the Pensacola Naval Air Station. It is our private paradise and we want to share it with you as you enjoy a delicious shrimp boil, a glass of champagne and a dessert tray for you and that special someone! It doesn’t get more romantic than waterfront dining!

We will be outside the entire time and you will enjoy your meal on our two story dock overlooking the bayou. Cost: $99 per couple. Spots are limited so contact me to make your reservations today!!

PS: We also offer group discounts and private events like bachelorette celebrations, private birthday parties, anniversary dinners, corporate gatherings, etc. Let us help you celebrate your special occasion!


More Information: https://www.facebook.com/events/1003385966711159/


Don’t Forget Their Other Love

Family is family, and you can’t be a part of their life if you forget who they loved before you were in the picture. If they have a canine, this is a good time to show your affection for them by treating the canine to their own personal Valentine’s Day.

The West Florida Public Libraries – WFPL is hosting a Canines and Valentines Day treat for their canine and you could really make an IMPRESSION if you took them and their forever friend out for a special treat. Hosted on Feb. 13th at 4:30 p.m. at the Southwest Branch Library, this is a  great lead-in to an awesome Feb. 14th (hint, hint).


Enjoy a visit with our Read to Dogs furry friends for photos and fun! Sponsored by Friends of the Southwest Branch Library.


More Information: https://www.facebook.com/events/653626285176627/


Take The Kids Out For A Special Treat

Whether you’ve been married for some time and have children of your own or your significant other has children from a past relationship, this is a great experience that will make them fall in love with you too!

Children are a special part of our lives and we need to let them know that we are thinking of them too – even on Valentine’s Day. So, take them to the Ella Marie Davis Community Center on February 8th at 3:00 p.m. and let them learn how to make a creamy, delicious, sugar-filled cake that everyone will love.


Kids will learn to decorate a Valentine’s themed cake using various techniques. All supplies and light refreshments provided. $25 per child.


More Information: https://www.facebook.com/events/2372700763043831/


Take A Long Walk

Of course, this is Pensacola and we have the finest beaches in all of the world. As such, you should take advantage of what’s available to you.

It’s a time-honored tradition that works great after a wonderful meal. Maybe you can carry a small satchel with a blanket in it and a love note or two, along with a few pictures of you when you first started dating. Don’t just stick to a long walk hand-in-hand; go a step further and make an impression.

Show them you REALLY care and remember!


Surprise Them With A Long Weekend Away

Even if you’ve lived in Pensacola (or nearby), you haven’t experienced everything Pensacola has to offer!

Take them on a short retreat away from life at some of the finest hotels we have to offer. For starters, we have the Pensacola Grand Hotel which has a “Romance Package” specifically tailored to liven up your love life (wink). Next, take them to the Margaritaville Beach Hotel where you can rest and relax while enjoying a few margaritas or see views similar to a cruise line without the cost. And if you want something more intimate, take them on a trip to Lee House & Cottages where they can relax in a low-key environment that is reminiscent of the southern lifestyle.


Murder Mystery Anyone?

Yes, this does seem a little odd, but not everyone is the traditional lover. If you’re significant other is not into chocolates, wines, bonfires, and long walks, then this next option is sure to catch them up – especially if they are into mysteries!

Hosted on Valentine’s Day at 7:00 p.m. at the Improbable Cause Mystery Theatre, immerse yourself in a murder mystery to die for. Titled “Kiss of Death”, it’s the only kiss of death you’ll be seeing as your love uniquely connects with you.


Improbable Cause Mystery Theatre proudly presents it’s NEW Valentines Special show… “Kiss of Death”. A tale of  “Two Gentlemen from Pensacola”.

Treat your sweetheart to dinner and a show all rolled into one! Your Valentine will love our specially themed show and meal, and you’ll reap the benefits of planning such an amazing Valentines date! 


Kiss Of Death 

Before he heads off to a new job marketing “Mulan” cookies, Valentino says heartfelt goodbyes. But after the sudden death of one of the party goers – controversy starts in this story of love and betrayal and it becomes YOUR job to help Detective Gunn solve the case in this interactive murder mystery, where you interrogate suspects, analyze evidence and use your powers of observation to solve the case! Come join the fun in modern parody of the characters from Shakespeare’s Two Gentlemen of Verona – “Kiss of Death”

Doors open for show at 6:30pm show starts at 7:00pm. (Will run approximately 2 hours)

LIMITED seating available (Dinner will be served during the show performed by: Improbable Cause Mystery Theatre). Tickets are $40.00.

Call: Nicole Dickson (owner) at (850) 207-7115 for any questions regarding this show. 


More Information: https://www.facebook.com/events/816335912127587/


The Old Standby

Of course, you could go the traditional route of a night out to dinner and a movie. If so, there are plenty of restaurants to choose from.


Reservations are being made as we speak so you may not be able to go to your preferred restaurant if you wait too long (don’t be that guy).


As you can see, there are plenty of Valentine’s Day options to work with in Pensacola. From traditional venues to more unique offerings, we have plenty to offer. Whether you live here or far away, it’s time to explore Pensacola a little more!

Did we miss something? If so, let us know so that we can add it!

2019 Festival of Lights in Pensacola

Written By Kathlene Rushing
Posted on
Categories: Family, Friends, Tourism

The Festival of Lights in Pensacola is an experience like no other. Enjoy the celebration of Christmas with your family and friends while enjoying more than 400,000 lights from November 25th, 2019 until January 31, 2020. Visit all the historic buildings, shops, and outdoor vendors while walking Palafox Street – name one of America’s “Ten Great Streets”.

The Festival of Lights in Pensacola kicks off on November 25th during the Inaugural First City Lights Festival. Created by the Pensacola Downtown Improvement Board, the festival is built to create an unforgettable experience. The lighting experience has grown over the years, drawing in many vendors and specialized shops that have only helped to improve the atmosphere.

During the Festival of Lights, you’ll enjoy live performances from street carolers and actors, pictures with Santa, trolley tours, horse and carriage rides, and so much more! Now in its twelfth year, the festival has become a part of the Pensacola Christmas festivities. Visitors from all over the country make special trips just to be a part of the experience…

And now you can too!

Don’t miss out on this once-a-year experience like no other. Remember, you only have until January 31, 2020 before it’s gone for another year.

For more events like this, check out our Upcoming Events Calendar for Pensacola and the surrounding areas.

Pensacola Restaurants Serving Up Thanksgiving Meals

Written By Jordan Thames
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Categories: Family

Find your perfect Thanksgiving meal at a local Pensacola restaurant!

With Thanksgiving less than a week away, everyone seems to be finalizing their plans for this festive, food-oriented holiday, including some of our local restaurants! So for those of you who have yet to decide what table you’ll be gathering around this year, don’t fret. There are plenty of local options where you will be able to dive into a tasty Thanksgiving meal. Take a look at some of the options listed below, you’re sure to find a choice that will make the whole family happy.


Five Sisters Blues Café

5 sisters blues cafe

Five Sisters, well known for their southern cooking, will be open this Thanksgiving offering four seating times, 11:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m., 3:00 p.m., and 5:00 p.m. They are serving a traditional Thanksgiving menu of three courses at a fixed price of $21.95 for adults, and $12.95 for children. The appetizer will be a choice between crab bisque or house salad, followed by a traditional Thanksgiving plate, ending with a choice dessert, either homemade chess pie or sweet potato pie. The Thanksgiving plate they will be serving comes loaded with herb-brined sliced turkey breast, bourbon-glazed ham, green beans, mashed potatoes, yams, cornbread dressing, and a dinner roll. Reservations are required, so be sure to call 850-912-4856 ahead of time!

In addition to the plated meal, Five Sisters is offering a Thanksgiving Grab and Go service, based on a six-person meal, with a price of $60 plus tax. This meal includes: a 6 lb. turkey, green bean casserole, garlic mashed potatoes, sausage and cornbread dressing, cranberry sauce, brown gravy, and dinner rolls. This package does require that orders be placed ahead of time. Five Sisters will be taking orders until 12 p.m. Monday, November 19th, with pickups starting at 3:00 p.m. Wednesday, November 21st. Call the Catering Manager, Lauren Smith, at 850-516-2324, or email lauren@fiivesistersbluescafe.com to place your order. You can also find more information on their Facebook events page, here.


The Pensacola Fish House

fish house

Another local favorite, Fish House, will open its doors for us this Thanksgiving. They will open at 11:00 a.m., and will be serving their regular menu all day, in addition to a Thanksgiving turkey plate priced at $24, which they will be serving from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Their turkey plate will be served with all the trimmings, including a slow-roasted garlic and herb turkey breast, southern Applewood-smoked bacon cornbread dressing, green bean casserole, apple and cranberry chutney, whipped garlic mashed potatoes, and homemade giblet gravy. Reservations aren’t required, but are highly recommended! To reserve your table, call 850-470-0003, or check out their Facebook event page here.


Jackson’s Steakhouse

Thanksgiving Day at Jackson's

Located downtown, Jackson’s Steakhouse plans to serve up a delicious Thanksgiving meal this upcoming holiday. They will be open 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., and will be serving a traditional Thanksgiving plate, alongside their new fall menu. This Thanksgiving plate comes filled with classic favorites, such as oven-roasted sliced turkey, served with garlic buttered green beans, andouille and cornbread stuffing, Anjou pear and cranberry relish, Yukon gold and fresh thyme whipped potatoes, roasted butternut squash, and homemade gravy, all for the price of $29. Call 850-469-9898 to make reservations or check out their Facebook event page, here for more information.


Skopelos at New World – Menu

Skopelos at New World
Skopelos plans to celebrate this Thanksgiving with a feast of their own! They will be open Thanksgiving day from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Their holiday plans include a Thanksgiving buffet in the Grand Ballroom, as well as an a la carte menu in their dining rooms.

The Grand Ballroom Thanksgiving Buffet will be $35.95 for adults, $12.95 for kids, and includes vegan and gluten free options. The main dishes consist of roasted turkey with cornbread stuffing and giblet gravy, prime rib with horseradish sauce and au jus, honey glazed ham, seared grouper with corn salsa, impossible meatloaf with mushroom gravy, and roasted stuffed acorn squash. The featured side dishes include green bean casserole, cornbread stuffing, a harvest salad, cranberry sauce, wild rice pilaf, mashed potatoes and much more! There are plenty of dessert choices, including Bourbon pecan pie, pumpkin pie, apple turnovers, cookies, brownies truffles, banana pudding, and more.

Skopelos’ Thanksgiving a la carte menu, served in their dining rooms, feature nine different plates, with prices ranging from $20 to $36. They include plates featuring roasted turkey, fried chicken, grouper, shepherd’s pie, filet mignon, and a vegan plate as well. All of these entrees are served with a house salad and soup.

They are now taking reservations, so call 850-432-6565 to make sure you snag a table! You can also find more information, including a full list of their entrees, on their Facebook event page, here. They are not accepting online reservations for Thanksgiving day.


The Grand Marlin

The Grand Marlin

If you’re looking to enjoy Thanksgiving Day on the beach, The Grand Marlin is the perfect spot! They will be open 10 a.m. until 7 p.m. Their Thanksgiving menu includes roasted butternut squash soup, which is $7.50 per cup and $9.50 per bowl; spinach salad with bacon dressing, which is $9; the dinner plate featured roasted turkey with sausage and herb cornbread stuffing, whipped potatoes with gravy, cranberry sauce, sweet potato casserole, and glazed broccoli and cauliflower, all for $29. Dessert choices include honey crisp apple pie, pumpkin pie, and pecan pie for $7.50. Reservations for this Thanksgiving meal are completely booked, but you can always take your chances with a walk in! Or call 850-677-9153 for more information.


Pot Roast & Pinot

Pot Roast & Pinot

This Thanksgiving Day, Pot Roast & Pinot will be open from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m., and will be serving their regular dinner menu, alongside a specially prepared Thanksgiving plate! This entrée will feature their signature Turkey Wellington, which has a slow-roasted mix of white and dark turkey meat inside a puff pastry, with traditional style dressing, winter squash and house-made gravy.

Reservations are not required, but recommended! Call 850-607-7336 to reserve your table, or you can find more information on their Facebook event page here.


PoFolks Pensacola

Po Folks

If you’re looking for some hearty, home-style cooking for the whole family, PoFolks has you covered! They will be open from 10:30 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. this Thanksgiving, serving a turkey day plate for just $12. Their dinner plate includes turkey and dressing, with cranberry sauce, green beans, mashed potatoes and gravy, with pumpkin pie for dessert. PoFolks has a great reputation for their Thanksgiving meals, this year is sure to be no different! Call 850-912-8121 for more information.


Cracker Barrel Old Country Store

Cracker Barrel Old Country Store

Another home-style favorite, Cracker Barrel, has plenty of options for your family this Thanksgiving. If you want to dine at home without the hassle of cooking, they have catering as well as heat n’ serve family meals to go. For the heat n’ serve option, you can order online and pick up ahead of time for a meal that comes chilled and ready to heat! It features two oven-roasted turkey breasts, cornbread dressing, turkey gravy, cranberry relish, a choice of three country sides, sweet yeast rolls, pumpkin and pecan pie. They recommend ordering at least 24 hours ahead of time.

If you want a hot meal to go, try the Homestyle Tukey n’ Dressing Family Meal To-Go! Perfect for parties or family dinner, it serves up to six and comes with turkey, sugar cured ham, cornbread dressing, turkey gravy, cranberry relish, choice of three sides, and a choice of bread. For this option, they also recommend ordering 24 hours in advance.

If you’re just looking for a prepared dessert, they offer a selection of freshly baked pies that you can order, including pecan, chocolate, apple pecan streusel, all-American apple, and pumpkin.

Cracker Barrel will also be serving a Homestyle Turkey n’ Dressing Meal on Thanksgiving Day, if you’re looking to get out on Thanksgiving Day, starting at 11 a.m. This meal comes with turkey n’ dressing, gravy, sugar cured ham, sweet potato casserole with pecans, cranberry relish, a choice of country side, the choice between buttermilk biscuits or corn muffins, and a slice of pumpkin pie.

Call 850-944-2090 or visit their website https://crackerbarrel.com/order-online/thanksgiving for more information.


So whether you’re a college student who’s unable to make it home for the holidays, or if even if you just want to avoid the hassle of cooking a large holiday meal, there is a place this Thanksgiving for everyone, and every budget. Just remember, we all have so much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving, if you choose to eat out be sure to appreciate all of the cooks, waitresses, and staff who are working hard to prepare and serve your holiday meal. Happy Thanksgiving Pensacola!

Happy Thanksgiving Pensacola