Join Mickey Mouse and friends for an enchanting experience at Disney On Ice presents “Mickey’s Search Party,” coming to the Pensacola Bay Center from March 28-30! This captivating ice skating show invites families to embark on a magical adventure filled with beloved Disney characters, stunning choreography, and dazzling costumes.
As Mickey and the gang set out on a quest to find the lost treasure of memories, audiences will be transported to iconic Disney worlds. Watch as your favorite characters from films like “Moana,” “Toy Story,” and “Frozen” come to life on the ice, creating unforgettable moments for fans of all ages.
With thrilling performances, upbeat music, and a sprinkle of Disney magic, “Mickey’s Search Party” promises to be an exhilarating experience for everyone. Don’t miss your chance to be part of this delightful journey—grab your tickets and get ready for a spectacular show!