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PensacolaFlorida.com Blog

Welcome to the PensacolaFlorida.com blog! Here you’ll find a wealth of information and insights about all things related to Pensacola, Florida. Our dedicated team of writers and contributors brings you the latest news, updates, and engaging articles covering a wide range of topics, including local events, attractions, dining, outdoor activities, and much more. Whether you’re a resident, visitor, or simply curious about this beautiful coastal city, our blog is your go-to resource for discovering the best that Pensacola has to offer. We strive to provide you with valuable content that informs, entertains, and inspires, ensuring you have an unforgettable experience in Pensacola, Florida. Explore our PensacolaFlorida.com blog today and let us guide you on your journey through this vibrant and captivating city.

Written By Kathlene Rushing
Categories: Blog Posts, Guides, Pensacola
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Written By Kathlene Rushing
Categories: Blog Posts, Guides
Let your creativity soar as you explore the vibrant wonders of the Sunshine State with our Florida Coloring Books Guide. Delve into a world of intricate line art and captivating illustrations, capturing the essence of Florida\'s diverse landscapes, iconic landmarks, and unique flora and fauna. Unleash your imagination as you bring these black and white pages to life with a burst of color. From the breathtaking beaches of Pensacola to the enchanting Everglades, and from the lively streets of Miami to the historic charm of St. Augustine, these coloring books offer a captivating visual journey through the many facets of…
Written By PensacolaFlorida.com
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Categories: Guest Posts
Stress Relief in Stressful Times By Elizabeth Curl The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a lot of additional stress in everyday life. According to the American Psychiatric Association, 8 in 10 adults say that the pandemic is a significant source of stress. Stress may also strain your personal relationships, especially now if you are an essential worker, working from home with children, or going to school online. When stress becomes a constant issue, it can lead to physical or mental health issues. In order to better cope with stress, it is important to understand what it is. Though everyone’s personal definition…
Written By Mitch Wisinekwski
How to Help End Homelessness in Pensacola   Pensacola’s homeless population surged to the forefront of city conversation recently when it was announced that the city would be moving a well-populated encampment of people experiencing homelessness near Hollace. T. Williams Park under I-10. The city says that the reported move is necessary to clean up the park but some local activists see it as a thinly veiled attempt to evict the encampment.  The mass unemployment rates due to Covid-19 are only making matters worse for people experiencing housing insecurity. Opening Doors Northwest Florida, a local nonprofit that provides assistance and…
Written By Mitch Wisinekwski
Layers and Layers: The Ephemeral Beauty of the Graffiti Bridge By Mitch Wisniewski     Arguably Pensacola’s most instantly recognizable landmark, the small railroad bridge, constructed in 1881 to connect Pensacola to Louisville and Nashville, has over time become covered in countless layers of paint. It’s hard to say how the Graffiti Bridge became the Graffiti Bridge that we know and love today. Much like the bridge itself, there are innumerable layers to its history. Pensacola historian John Appleyard puts 1956 as a possible date on which the bridge was first painted. That date is as likely as any other…
Written By Mitch Wisinekwski
Five of the Best Walks in Pensacola to Help You Beat Online School Fatigue Spring semester is just getting started and, as I learned last semester, in these very strange times that means a lot of time spent hunched over a laptop, trying to look presentable for Zoom classes, and longing for the feeling of going to a physical classroom. With very few students actually on campus this semester, and the majority experiencing the endless torture of Zoom University it can feel really frustrating. I personally feel like school never ends. When scheduling your assignments rests solely on the hands…
Written By PensacolaFlorida.com
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Categories: Family
Non-profit organizations and businesses reflect the selflessness that has been lost in America. Our capitalist culture has created a “me first” attitude for many of us, making it hard to find someone willing to give of their time freely … or has it? If you are reading this, you probably disagree with the previous statement. You are someone who gives of their time, resources, money consistently, and you know many others who also do the same.   Thank you!   Because of people like you, non-profit organizations are able to help individuals get back on their feet. With programs for…
Written By Kathlene Rushing
Posted on
Categories: Family, Featured, Holidays, Tourism
Valentine’s Day can be one of the most romantic times of the year. Everyone in a relationship has aspirations of professing their love to their significant other in a way that will never be matched. Men and women think long and hard to figure out the best place to eat, the best place to take a stroll, or even find the perfect gift. If you’re still trying to plan out the perfect event, here are a few traditional (and non-traditional) ideas that you can consider.   We’ve Heard Women Like Chocolate and Wine! If your significant other likes the finer…
Written By Kathlene Rushing
Posted on
Categories: Family, Friends, Tourism
The Festival of Lights in Pensacola is an experience like no other. Enjoy the celebration of Christmas with your family and friends while enjoying more than 400,000 lights from November 25th, 2019 until January 31, 2020. Visit all the historic buildings, shops, and outdoor vendors while walking Palafox Street - name one of America’s “Ten Great Streets”. The Festival of Lights in Pensacola kicks off on November 25th during the Inaugural First City Lights Festival. Created by the Pensacola Downtown Improvement Board, the festival is built to create an unforgettable experience. The lighting experience has grown over the years, drawing…
Written By Kathlene Rushing
Categories: Breaking News
Updated 12/6/2019 @ 10:05 PM EST Four people have senselessly lost their lives and several others have been injured in a shooting that occurred at the naval base in Pensacola, Florida. Reports from the Escambia Sheriff\'s Office and the U.S. Navy have stated that the shooter has been killed as well. At approximately 6:50 a.m. EST, reports of a shooter on the naval base were made known. Shortly thereafter, two Escambia County sheriff’s deputies arrive and gunfire erupted between them and the shooter. One of the deputies was shot in the arm and the other was shot in the leg;…