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Snake Identification: 10 Non-Venomous Snakes Found In Florida (with pictures)

Written By A. Alderman
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Categories: Blog Posts, UWF Student Authors

Of the 44 species of snakes in Florida, 38 of them are non-venomous and usually relatively small. If you see a large snake you don’t recognize as non-venomous, don’t dismiss it as non-harmless, and be sure to exercise caution whenever you interact with snakes of any species. Being aware of the kind of snakes you are likely to encounter is important, and these are 10 non-venomous species that you should try to learn to recognize, if possible. 


Green Snake

Green Snake

(image source: https://free-images.com/display/smooth_green_snake_in.html)

The particular species of this snake that is found in Florida is the Rough Green Snake, named for its keeled dorsal scales. These slender snakes are very common in the Southeast United States and spend most of their time in the trees of moist meadows and woods, though they can also be found on the ground and in other low-hanging vegetation.

Like most smaller snakes, they are almost completely harmless to humans, though they can still bite if sufficiently threatened. They are easily exploited as pets due to their weakness and abundance, and will sometimes be sold for only a few dollars at a time. 

These snakes are extremely thin and can grow up to 45.75 inches in length. They are bright green with yellow underbellies, making them extremely difficult to spot when they are hiding surrounded by leaves. 


Striped Garter Snake

Striped Garter Snake

(image source: https://pixabay.com/photos/snakes-reptiles-garter-family-18899/)

These small, harmless snakes are very commonly found all over the United States, most often in any sort of area near water, such as forests, fields, prairies, wetlands, marshes, and ponds. The Blue-Striped Variant that lives in Florida is no different, though it is very striking compared to some other subspecies. 

These snakes have a wide variety of body responses to threats. These vary depending on the type of threat, the temperature, where they are attacked, and the individual temperament of the snake. They are not normally aggressive to humans unless attacked, and even then, may prefer to flee instead of strike. Several garter snake species are technically venomous, but their venom is intended to kill their prey of small frogs and amphibians, not larger animals like humans. Their bites are painful, but their venom isn’t dangerous at all to humans, though it may make the bite sting more than it would if the bite was dry or non-venomous.

Garter Snakes are very small and thin. They are usually between 22-54 inches long and usually stay small. Most species are darkly colored with light-colored stripes down their backs, usually yellow, green, brown, white, or blue, such as the striking blue as the Blue-Striped Garter Snakes found in Florida. 


Yellow Rat Snake

Yellow Rat Snake

(image source: https://pixabay.com/photos/snake-rat-snake-garden-roses-4306630/)

Rat snakes are medium-sized snakes with good adaptability. They like to burrow and are great climbers and can be found in a variety of habitats, urban woodlots, farmlands, wetlands, forests, and grassy areas with trees to climb. They occasionally find themselves in human residencies and upper levels of floors, where they hunt for rats and other pests. 

Rat snakes have a tendency to freeze when scared instead of flee, and if threatened further will release a foul-smelling musk. Because they are constrictors and catch and kill their prey through suffocation, they have relatively weak bites that they only use when threatened and driven into a corner. 

Rat snakes are usually 32 to 72 inches long and relatively firm-bodied. Yellow rat snakes have shiny, yellow-orange scales with faded black lines down their backs.


Eastern Corn Snake

Eastern Corn Snake

(image source: https://pixabay.com/photos/snakes-corn-okeetee-red-orange-1660280/)

Corn snakes are one of the most popular species of snakes to keep as pets. They are found in the wild in the Southeastern United States, often in wooded areas and forest with lots of trees and overgrown grass. They have been known to sometimes climb elevated areas, even mountainous areas high above sea level. 

As pets, captive corn snakes are known for typically tolerating being handled for long periods of time. They are calm, a good medium size, and relatively easy to care for, not to mention they have been selectively bred to have many different kinds of beautiful color morphs. In the wild, they will avoid humans and only attack when cornered like most other snakes. 

They grow to about 2-5.9 feet in length. Captive Corn Snakes have a wide variety of color morphs, but the most common one witnessed in the wild are orange with black-lined saddle markings down their backs. They resemble copperheads at first glance, but are completely non-venomous. 



Coachwhip Snake(image source: https://free-images.com/display/coachwhip_snake_2.html)

Coachwhips are long, very fast snakes that are found throughout the Southern United States. They prefer to live in open areas with sandy soil like open pine forests and prairies where they can camouflage themselves against dirt and leaf litter. In Florida, many of them can be found in sandhills and sand dune habitats. 

They are very curious and quick snakes that tend to be sensitive to any perceived danger. While they enjoy exploring using their good eyesight, they will bolt if provocated at speeds up to 4 miles per hour. Their powerful jaws are usually used to catch prey, but they will not hesitate to strike at humans or other threats when cornered. These bites are painful, but otherwise harmless.

These snakes are named for their pattern of brown scales that make them appear to be braided. Coachwhips are usually 50-72 inches long and have long, thin bodies with small heads and large eyes. 


Black Racer/Runner

Black Racer/Runner Snake(image source: https://free-images.com/display/black_racer_npsphoto.html)

As the name would suggest, Racers are very lithe and fast snakes found throughout Florida in open, grassland areas or anywhere near a water source. They are one of the most common snakes found in residential Florida areas. They’re most often found on the ground, but some subspecies are also excellent tree climbers and will eat birds and eggs when they can. 

They are very inquisitive snakes and can often be seen raising their heads above the grass to look at what is around them using their excellent vision. If they encounter humans, they will usually flee the interaction, but will fight aggressively if cornered- hissing, thrashing, releasing foul-smelling musk, and biting as much as possible, making them extremely difficult to handle, even for experienced handlers. 

They are typically 20-60 inches long and are very slender. Juveniles will sometimes have dark, blotchy patterns against lighter backgrounds, but these colors typically fade into a uniform blue, green, black, brown, tan, or red, depending on the species. 


Florida Banded Water Snake

Florida Banded Water Snake(image source: https://free-images.com/display/bandedwatersnakefeedingcoosariver.html)

Banded Water Snakes are common in the south, but the subspecies you’ll most likely find in Florida are the Florida Banded Water Snakes. These mostly aquatic snakes can be found near shallow areas of freshwater like marshes, swamps, and ponds, and can often be found lost in residential areas that have encroached upon their habitat. 

All of Florida’s fully aquatic water snakes are non-venomous and generally not aggressive, but will bite or release a foul, musky odor to defend themselves if they are cornered or accidentally stepped on.

They are heavy and stout snakes that usually reach 22-42 inches in length. Juveniles are usually gray, yellow, brown, or reddish-brown with large, broad red, black, or brown crossbands down their backs. Their colors darken with age and can eventually give the snakes a solid black or dark brown appearance. 

Banded water snakes are often confused with the venomous Cottonmouth vipers, but can be distinguished by their round pupils, lack of facial pits, and brow ridges.


Indigo Snake

Indigo Snake

(image source: https://free-images.com/display/eastern_indigo_snake_drymarchon_0.html)

These snakes are the longest native snake species in North America. They prefer flatwoods and dry, sandy areas, especially Florida’s sandhill habitats. Due to human development and destruction of the gopher and tortoise holes these snakes use to move, they are currently threatened and legally protected, though that doesn’t stop them from being seen as desirable pets by collectors entranced with their colors and docile natures.

They are not aggressive and typically only bite humans in defense. The bites are painful, but generally not harmful. Indigo snakes hunt using their powerful jaws and large size to overpower their prey, which can include rattlesnakes. Due to their protected status, they cannot legally be handled without a permit, so avoiding contact and leaving their habitats untouched is important to help preserve their species. 

Indigo Snakes are very beautiful snakes. Their bodies are usually uniform blue-black colored, with some individuals having red-orange colors on their mouth and throats. Their smooth, glossy scales appear iridescent in bright light. They typically grow from 3.9 to 7.7 feet long, but specimens have been found that are over 9 feet long. 


Common Kingsnake

Common Kingsnake(image source: https://free-images.com/display/kingsnake_common_lampropeltis_getula.html)

These snakes are common throughout the United States and Mexico and have nine separate subspecies. Kingsnakes can live in many different kinds of habitats, but generally prefer grassy open areas. They kill their prey using constriction instead of biting, and are especially unique due to their habit of sometimes eating other snakes, even venomous rattlesnakes, because they are immune to several types of snake venom.

They are docile and popular as pets and are relatively harmless to humans, though wild ones have been known to sometimes strike only when cornered. Because they are constrictors, their bites are weaker than other snakes and are generally harmless besides some pain and bleeding. If encountered in the wild, they should be left alone.

Their coloration depends on the subspecies, but the most well-known colors are the red, black, and yellow striations of the Mountain Kingsnakes. Florida species are more likely to black or brown with yellow or tan rings. Kingsnakes are slender and generally medium sized snakes, usually reaching up to 40 inches in length, but they can grow longer in rare cases. 


Burmese Python

Burmese Python(image source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/brown-and-black-snake-on-ground-5127927/)

These large snakes are not native to Florida. They are an extremely invasive species that has had a devastating impact on Florida ecosystems ever since the exotic pet boom of the 1980s. Pet owners would release their snakes once they grew too big to manage, but the issue was greatly magnified when, in 1992, category 5 Hurricane Andrew destroyed a private python breeding facility near the Everglades, releasing the snakes of the facilities into the nearby swamps and parks. Since then, it has been a fight to try and take back the ecosystems from this incredibly invasive species. 

Their ecological impact and damage to native species is so severe that anyone who catches or encounters a wild Burmese Python is extremely encouraged to humanely kill the animal in order to try and prevent the spread of the species. They are generally not aggressive towards humans due to adult humans’ stature, but should still be given a wide berth if encountered and should not be approached.

Burmese Pythons are one of the largest species of snakes. They typically grow to up to 16 feet long and have heavy, thick bodies they use to constrict and kill their prey. They can be recognized by their size and the large black-bordered brown splotches down their backs.

How To Check For Bed Bugs In A Hotel Room During Your Summer Vacation 

Written By A. Alderman
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Categories: Blog Posts, UWF Student Authors

Bed bugs are small, round brown insects that feed on human blood, especially at night. They can cause massive, large-scale infestations relatively quickly and often require repeated treatments until they can be completely removed from a location. Since they spread so easily (usually by clinging to personal items)  vigilance is important in order to keep them out of your home.

Even some of the best hotels in the south can find themselves with a bedbug infestation during the warmer months when visitor traffic is high and humans are in close, dense proximity.  It’s important for anyone hoping to spend time in a hotel, motel, cabin, or Airbnb to be aware of bedbugs and how to check for their presence in any hotel room, especially if you’re staying in an area with a lot of people.

How To Check For Bed Bugs In A Hotel Room During Your Summer Vacation

(image source: https://unsplash.com/photos/PXPleXh2m7s)


First, know what they look like.

How To Check For Bed Bugs In A Hotel Room During Your Summer Vacation(image source: https://free-images.com/display/bed_bug_on_carpet.html


Bed bugs are very small, about 4-5 mm long, and have flat, brown bodies that can fit within cracks in walls or personal belongings. They smell very distinctly like rotten strawberries. Eggs are small, opaque, and white, and can stick to surfaces.

How To Check For Bed Bugs In A Hotel Room During Your Summer Vacation

(image source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/black-luggage-bag-beside-door-3277930/)


Second, take precautions

Before checking for bedbugs, place your suitcases on a raised stand or in the bathtub before checking the living area. Clothes should be never left on the floor and should be washed as soon as guests return home. Bed bugs can crawl into and onto most belongings and suitcases are rife with crevices and hiding places for the bloodsucking insects. They have been known to hitch rides inside places as small as laptop computers or purses.

Next, check where they can be found.

How To Check For Bed Bugs In A Hotel Room During Your Summer Vacation

(image source: https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/home-sofa-with-objects-cozy-decor-living-room_8946138.htm#page=1&query=carpet&position=36&from_view=search)


Bed bugs like warm, dark places where humans have been, like beds, chairs, couches, cushions, and pillows. They find shelter and stay there living in clusters until they leave to feed every five to seven days. When done, they follow a chemical trail back to their homes.

While beds are the obvious first place to check, hotels will clean and change sheets between guests, so it’s important to check the rest of the room and not rely on only examining the bed. 

When examining beds, be sure to carefully check the seams and folds of your mattress and pillows for bugs, eggs, molted skin, or any remains of their existence. 

After beds, check cushions, furniture crevices, pillows, and anywhere they may be hiding after the bed sheets have been replaced. Checking areas where furniture meets the carpet or walls is important, as is checking crevices behind dressers and shelves. 

Fourth, know what the bites look like. 

How To Check For Bed Bugs In A Hotel Room During Your Summer Vacation(image source: https://free-images.com/display/2015_11_26_192551.html)


Preferably, your trips won’t come to this point if you’ve checked thoroughly, but if you find small, red lesions or blisters appearing over your body, especially in areas covered by bedsheets, then you have a surefire way of confirming an infestation and should report this to your lodgings as soon as possible.

Snake Identification: The 6 Species Of Venomous Snakes Found In Florida (with pictures)

Written By A. Alderman
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Categories: Blog Posts, Pensacola, UWF Student Authors

Florida is a beautiful place to live, but guests and residents, especially those in southern parts of the state, know that some of the local wildlife isn’t to be trifled with. Florida’s forests and swamps are home to 44 species of snakes, including 6 venomous species. That may not sound like much, but some of them are numerous and easily confused with non-venomous snakes. It’s important to be able to identify and avoid some of these dangerous reptiles if you plan on exploring the wooded and marshy areas of Florida, because some of their bites pack enough of a punch to kill.

Please note that many of these snakes can be easily confused for non-venomous species, but you should not attempt to approach them in order to identify them because you run the risk of discovering they are venomous the hard way! Do not approach any snake unless you are absolutely positive you know what species it is, and even then, be sure to exercise caution.

Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake

Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake

(image source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/nature-animal-reptile-snake-36714/)


Not only are these the most venomous snakes in Florida, they are known as being the most dangerous venomous snakes in North America. TThey can swim and can be found on Florida’s barrier islands. Be careful when walking in wooded areas or pine savannas, as they prefer to hunt and hide using forage and leaves as camouflage. 

They are not aggressive and prefer to flee from encounters with humans, but will puff themselves up to make themselves larger and eventually rattle their tails to scare off potential threats. If attacked or threatened, they may bite with fangs proportionally longer than any other rattlesnake species. Their bites have been described as severely painful and can potentially kill humans within 6-48 hours. If bitten, seek medical attention immediately.

As their name suggests, they are easily identifiable by their brown, yellow, or tan scales with black, brown, and cream colored diamonds down their back. They have large, broad heads and thermal pits between their eyes and nostrils. Diamondbacks are large, heavy snakes that are usually 3 to 6 feet long, but they can grow up to 8 feet long.


Water Moccasin/Cottonmouth

Water Moccasin/Cottonmouth

(img source: https://www.stockfreeimages.com/3660451/Cottonmouth.html

These pit vipers are most commonly found throughout Florida in wet areas like swamps, marshes, and lakes, but can wander away from water if they want. They are the only known species of semi-aquatic vipers in the world and are very capable swimmers.

Though they are not aggressive, they have been known to bite when threatened, and most bites occur due to people disturbing their nests or accidentally stepping on them. Their venom can be extremely dangerous to people and pets and bite victims should seek immediate emergency medical treatment as soon as possible.

Water Moccasin/Cottonmouth

(image source: https://unsplash.com/photos/OSZKrGYDhv0


Juveniles are brown or tan with reddish crossbands and have bright yellow tail tips. Their patterns fade and darken as they age, usually becoming uniformly dark or leaving only a hint of the original pattern. They usually grow from 30-48 inches in length and have thick, heavy bodies. It can be easy to confuse cottonmouths with nonvenomous water snakes. They can be distinguished by the cottonmouth’s facial pits, vertical pupils, and brow ridges.


Eastern Coral Snake

Eastern Coral Snake(img source: https://free-images.com/display/coral_snake_npsphoto.html)

These highly venomous snakes can be found in all parts of Florida. Though they have extremely potent venom, they rarely bite humans and prefer to avoid encounters. In Florida, they prefer sandhills and dry areas that have bushes but not extremely heavy vegetation. 

Most of their time is spent hiding underground, and they are known to be fairly shy around humans, so bites are rare. Even if they are threatened enough to bite, they are less likely to envenomate their bites compared to other species. However, antivenin for coral snake bites isn’t widely produced, so extreme caution is recommended around them nonetheless. As long as people watch where they step and are mindful of their surroundings, they are fairly simple to avoid.

Coral snakes are well known for their part in the saying, “Red next to yellow  kills a fellow. Red next to black is a friend to Jack,” use to differentiate their red-white-yellow stripe pattern from the nonvenomous king snakes. They are medium sized, slender snakes, usually growing from 31-48 inches in length.


Timber Rattlesnake

Timber Rattlesnake

(img source: https://free-images.com/display/timber_rattlesnake_image_004.html )

Timber Rattlesnakes are somewhat large, widespread species found from forested areas to rocky bluffs. They are the 3rd largest venomous snake species in the U.S. and can potentially be very dangerous. They are mostly found in rural, wooded areas and are much more common in the upper southern states, but can be found in some parts of North Florida. 

Despite their high venom yield, large size, and long fangs making them potentially extremely dangerous, deaths from timber rattlesnake bites are rare. They are mild-mannered, hibernate for very long periods of time, and will usually attempt to scare off potential threats before they feel the need to strike.

Timber Rattlesnakes are usually yellowish or grayish brown with dark brown or black crossbands. Many have a rust-colored stripe down their backs. Sometimes, individuals with melanism are very dark and almost solid black. They are usually from 39 to 45 inches in length. 


Southern Copperhead

Southern Copperhead(image source: https://free-images.com/display/southern_copperhead_viper_poisonous.html)

Copperheads are venomous pit vipers usually found in upper states like Alabama and Georgia, but have been found in some areas of the Panhandle. Their habitat is primarily forested woodlands, rocky outcroppings, and near swamps; often areas around where humans live. They camouflage extremely well and can be nearly impossible to differentiate from the dead leaves they hide within.

They are not aggressive and will only bite if physically threatened, but due to their tendency to freeze instead of slithering away, they are prone to being stepped on and attacking out of fear. Thankfully, they have relatively weak venom compared to other pit vipers, and they don’t often inject much venom into their bites in the first place. Regardless, help should still be sought after any sort of venomous snake bite.

They are a pale to pinkish-tan color with red-brown crossbands along the body, not to mention the distinctive copper-colored head. They are usually 20-37 inches in length and have stout, broad heads compared to their bodies. 


Dusky Pygmy Rattlesnake

Dusky Pygmy Rattlesnake(img source: https://free-images.com/display/sistrurus_miliaris_barbouri_cdc.html)

Pygmy Rattlesnakes are small, stout rattlesnakes found throughout Florida, including some of the barrier islands, but not the Florida keys. They are extremely abundant and can be found in many wooded areas, flat but primarily moist lowlands and other somewhat wet, covered areas usually nearby water. 

They are generally not aggressive, though individuals may be, and typically don’t bite unless provoked or wounded. Despite being painful, their bites are relatively harmless, though help should be sought regardless if one is bitten. Due to their size, their defense rattle sounds very similar to the buzz of an insect rather than the distinct rattle of a larger rattlesnake.

They are usually 14-24 inches long and are stout and thick for their small size. They are gray and have dark, dusty spots along their backs and pale whitish underbellies. Their heads have stripes that reach from their eyes to the corner of their mouths and they have pits on the side of their heads. 

37th Annual Frank Brown Songwriters’ Festival

Written By A. Alderman
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Categories: Blog Posts, Pensacola, UWF Student Authors

This year’s 37th Annual Frank Brown Songwriters’ Festival took place from November 4-14. Over 200 songwriters and artists appeared in venues across Orange Beach, Gulf Shores, Pensacola, and Perdido Key. For 10 days, guests could visit any of the two dozen venues and enjoy both established and up-and-coming songwriters’ performances. Guests also have the chance to stay and listen to the musical artists discuss the personal story and meaning of their songs upfront and personally.

The event was created by Joseph Gilchrist, one of the owners of the legendary Flora-Bama bar. Guests visiting Perdido Key, Florida, or Orange Beach, Alabama heading for the state line can find this honky-tonk bar full of patrons listening to the nonstop live music and drinking Bushwhacker cocktails. When it was first built in 1964, it was one of the few buildings in the area, but as time passed and traffic in the area increased, so did the number of bar patrons and the size of the bar itself. For 50 years, Flora-Bama bar has been named the #1 Beach Bar or listed as one of the top beach bars in the United States by numerous news and media outlets like CNN, the Huffington Post, Fox News, USA Today, and many, many more. It’s famous for its location and the extremely unique make-up of guests that visit, anywhere from locals to tourists to nobodies to household names like Jimmy Buffet, Vince Vaughn, Kid Rock, and many more. Its popularity has allowed the bar to establish several annual events, such as the Annual Interstate Mullet Toss, where contestants throw a mullet across the Florida-Alabama state line, or the Polar Bear Dip, where contestants plunge into the frigid Gulf of Mexico during New Year’s Day.

It also established and hosts the Annual Frank Brown Songwriters’ Festival. The Frank Brown Songwriters’ Festival was created and named in honor of the well-known night watchman of 28 years, Frank Brown, known as “Mr. Frank” by patrons and employees alike. For those 28 years, he was the last person that live performers would see before closing time. Though he passed away in 1988, his morals and values are immortalized in the name of the Songwriting Festival. The festival created in his name is now one of the Southeast Tourism Society’s Top 20 Events and one of the oldest of its kind. The purpose of the annual festival is to enrich the lives of music lovers, especially children, encourage creativity through music and especially song, introduce lesser-known artists to the guests of the festival, and give these artists the opportunity to bring their work into the spotlight. It also hopes to increase tourism in the Gulf Coast area, and this year it managed to span the length of several different countries across both Alabama and Florida.

The musician-hosting venues stretched from Gulf Shores to Pensacola and included restaurants, community centers, churches, museums, libraries, bars, and resorts, so there was something for everyone to see and places for every music lover to visit regardless of age. At each event, songwriters would display their skills and interact with fans and lovers of music hoping to experience the best performances of artists known and unknown. Bands and artists of many different genres were invited to the festival this year, providing the opportunity for fans of all types of music to find something they like, and maybe find something new to enjoy.

For the 2021 festival, events were spread out over a period of a jam-packed 11 days. Besides shows featuring songwriters presenting their music and material, the festival also held several other events. Patrons were welcome to attend festival-hosted kick-off parties and the open-mic nights, many of which were at the Florida-Bama bar itself. These events gave guests the chance to sing a few of their own songs provided they brought an instrument and signed up. Guests and songwriters alike were welcome to visit free seminars for prospective songwriters, musicians, and recording artists. One such seminar, “Songwriting, Music Publishing, And Record Labels In An Independent World” was run by Sean Gasaway, both an award-winning songwriter himself and CEO of the independent publishing company Gasaway Music. Another seminary was “Promoting Your Music Career,” and was run by Bruce Wawrzyniak, host of the Now Hear This Entertainment podcast and President of Now Hear This, a company that has provided management, promotion, and booking services to country-wide musical artists for 15 years. In his seminar, he discussed different ways for aspiring songwriters and artists to promote their careers and build their names in a way that will help them truly succeed in the music industry. Other events included Catherine Powers signing her book, The Spree of 83 – The Life and Times of Freddy Powers, about her father, the behind-the-scenes musician Freddy Powers, a free screening of the new documentary Hank Locklin: Country Music’s Timeless Tenor and the Frank Brown Music Festival exclusive documentary, Stories In Rhyme.

This year proved to be a lively, event-filled festival. If you missed this year, then be sure to keep an eye out for the next annual festival in 2022, which should prove to be just as much of a must-see as this one.

The Tourist’s Guide To The Pensacola Wahoos Stadium Airbnb

Written By A. Alderman
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Categories: Blog Posts, Pensacola, UWF Student Authors

Baseball lovers looking for a truly unique experience don’t need to look any further than the Blue Wahoo’s Airbnb- and starting September 27, neither do football fans. The home stadium of the Double-A Southern League’s Pensacola Blue Wahoos, officially dubbed “Admiral Fetterman Field,” has offered Airbnb services since May 22, 2020, providing sports fans with the opportunity to enjoy the Southern League Ballpark of the Year three-time winning stadium’s amenities all to themselves.

The open-air stadium is usually used to house minor-league games or music events but was left empty upon the delay of the 2020 season caused by COVID-19 restrictions. In their efforts to remain in contact with their fans and promote the use of their stadium and team, the Blue Wahoos would attempt to find different ways to put the stadium to use, like hosting golf, various movie nights, fireworks nights, and other small-scale events, until they eventually came upon the idea to convert it into an Airbnb.

The Tourist’s Guide To The Pensacola Wahoos Stadium Airbnb

The initial launch of the Airbnb in May 2020 garnered attention from news outlets around the world and attracted guests from hundreds of miles away. Despite its success, it was closed upon the start of the new baseball season in 2021. Now that harsher COVID-19 guidelines have lifted and the season is coming to a close, the team is returning to the Airbnb project with fresh ideas. When it reopens, it will offer a 2-in-1 sports experience. The baseball field will be overlayed with a football field built to accommodate the University of West Florida’s home games.

For the price of $1,500 a night, a single group with as many as 10 people (extra people can come as guests for a fee of $300 per person) can stay at the beautiful ocean-side stadium. For various additional fees, extra experiences can be added to personalize the visit, such as fireworks shows or professionally catered, award-winning dinners by the Blue Wahoo’s cook. Each visit is unique to the group of guests involved and has varied from birthday and graduation celebrations to wedding parties.

Upon arrival, guests are given a tour of the stadium and their lodgings. The newly-renovated clubhouse and bedroom are kept extremely clean and contain near-full amenities, including two bathrooms with showers, four couches, two TVs, several chairs, gaming systems, and tables. The attached bedroom contains two TVs, a kitchenette, four bunk beds, and two queen-sized beds, allowing 10 people to sleep comfortably. Guests are encouraged to explore and enjoy the playing fields, including enjoying the batting tunnel and kicking field goals. Balls, bats, and helmets will be provided to guests hoping to enjoy the fields. A staff member is available on-call at all times to provide security and aid guests.

If you’re hoping to book your vacation group at the stadium, act quickly! The Bed and Breakfast is only open during baseball off-seasons, September to February, and reservations are expected to fill quickly with the introduction of the 2-in-1 field.

The stadium is located at 351 W. Cedar Street, in downtown Pensacola. Reservations can be made through the location’s
Airbnb listing. Parking is free.


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The Tourist’s Guide To The Pensacola Wahoos Stadium AirbnbThe Tourist’s Guide To The Pensacola Wahoos Stadium AirbnbThe Tourist’s Guide To The Pensacola Wahoos Stadium AirbnbThe Tourist’s Guide To The Pensacola Wahoos Stadium AirbnbThe Tourist’s Guide To The Pensacola Wahoos Stadium Airbnb

Beaches of Florida’s Gulf Coast to Visit Despite COVID-19

Written By A. Alderman
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Categories: Blog Posts, UWF Student Authors

Whether you’re a tourist hoping to visit the award-winning beaches that epitomize Northwest Florida, a pet owner taking your canine friend on an adventure, or a local planning on a relaxing, low-cost day trip, you’ll find that Pensacola has numerous options available that vary in terms of size, cost, and function.


Pensacola Beach

Pensacola Beach, winner of numerous awards, most recently ranked #15 by Tripadvisor’s 2021 Traveler’s Choice Awards, is a must-visit for any tourists hoping to experience the best of the Gulf Coast. A visit to the main beach alone costs simply $1 (electronic payment only), the toll for the Bob Sikes Bridge. It’s huge, the waters are a gorgeous green, and the sand is milky white and expansive. The only downside is that it tends to be crowded, so if you’re looking for a quiet vacation, this isn’t the place to go.


Casino Beach

The central part of Pensacola Beach is referred to as Casino Beach. You can recognize it by the large beach-ball shaped water tower and the Gulfside Pavilion taking the place of what used to be a tourist attraction called “the Casino.” This is the part of Pensacola Beach where most people like to gather, meaning it is the most crowded and has more places to shop and eat than anywhere else. If you enjoy large beaches and beachside restaurants filled with hundreds of excited beachgoers, this is your ideal destination. 


Pensacola Dog Beaches, East and West

There are two separate dog beaches on either side of Pensacola Beach. In them, owners let their best friends experience the ocean. Dogs must be kept on leashes at all times for the safety of themselves and other dogs, and owners must pick up after them. Be sure to bring some fresh water for your canine friends!


Gulf Islands National Seashore

This beautiful, long stretch of federally protective seashore runs 150 miles from Cat Island, Mississippi to Santa Rosa Island, Florida. It is home to several visitor areas and beaches and is a perfect place to visit if you enjoy Florida history and nature. There are many land-based nature activities available, such as hiking and camping, but there are also a few small beaches where visitors are welcome to various types of water recreation. The area is more wooded and grassy than Pensacola Beach, so it is better for those hoping to enjoy it as a national park rather than a fun beach vacation.

Face coverings and masks are required in all park centers and buildings. Seven-day passes cost $25 per vehicle, $15 per person, and $20 per motorcycle.


Fort Pickens

This historical pentagonal fort was built in 1834 and remained in use until 1947. It is located on the Pensacola Beach strip of Gulf Islands National Seashore and is accessible to the public today as a museum. If you’re an American history buff, you’ll enjoy exploring the walls of Fort Pickens.


Langdon Beach

The designated liveguard area of Fort Pickens is called Langdon Beach. It is a smaller, slightly grassy beach for campers, backpackers, and tourists to enjoy as a part of their stay in the national park.


Naval Live Oaks

This federally protected forest, once a federal tree farm, is home to a seven-and-a-half mile long beautiful hiking trail and some small public beach areas.


Johnson Beach

This recreation area is best known for its Discovery Nature Trail, a raised boardwalk that carries visitors over the sand dunes and salt marshes.


Opal Beach

Visiting this beach is a particularly special experience. Created in 1995 when Hurricane Opal flattened the sand dunes and left a gleaming 6-mile stretch of sand. This hidden beach is kept quiet and secret by the locals, and is almost always private and clear of the crowds that one would usually see at a beach.


Perdido Key

If you’re looking for beautiful scenery and a great place to surf-fish, you’ll want to visit Perdido Key and it’s sugar-white sandy beaches with rolling dunes and busting plant life. Perdido Key is well-known for its beautiful scenery and hiking paths that give hikers a wonderful view of the wildlife of Florida beaches. If you’re more of a fan of exploring nature both in and out of the water, the beautiful national parks in Perdido Key would be your ideal place to visit.


Big Lagoon State Park

Nature lovers will enjoy the seclusion and beautiful natural landscapes that exemplify this park. It is well known for being a wonderful place to birdwatch, as birds love the trees and wooded areas. Trees shade the picnic areas and boardwalks protect the fragile dunes and sand plants from damage. Beaches and bays provide lovely swimming locations, especially in groups. $6.00 per vehicle and $2.00 per person.


Perdido Key State Park

$3 per vehicle. Home to several endangered species and a beautiful place to watch nature. Walk along the boardwalk and look down at the beautiful dunes below, protecting several endangered species of wildlife. You can do anything from camping to swimming to boating to kayaking.


Navarre Beach

A beautiful and quiet beach known to be perfect for people hoping to relax and enjoy their vacation with all the emerald water and white sand dunes of Gulf Coast beaches, without the chaos and crowds of Pensacola Beach. The artificial reefs in its waters are a gorgeous place to snorkel and the many resorts along the quiet coastline provide all a tourist would want in order to enjoy a relaxing beach vacation. If you’re hoping for a resort stay, Navarre is your ideal location.

Kindness Day

Written By A. Alderman
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Categories: Blog Posts, UWF Student Authors

This November 13 was World Kindness Day, a global holiday dedicated to promoting and celebrating the importance of being kind to yourself, others, and the world around you. During school days, children are taught about World Kindness Day and the importance of being kind to others, while hashtags across Twitter and Facebook, and other social media sites encouraged readers and guests to be kind to others and foster a better future through their actions, some posts containing suggestions for different acts of kindness, others containing individual stories of their own acts of kindness, or more importantly, acts of kindness that changed a person’s life.

Sometimes, it feels easier to be cruel than it does to be kind, but it’s important to remember that being kind to others is an important part of being human. Humans are a social species meant to form strong bonds with each other and guide each other through life, and most will find that being cruel to their fellow peers leaves them feeling emptier than they would feel by being nice. Events like World Kindness Day are dedicated to encouraging people across the globe to try and understand, help, and communicate with each other instead of fostering hatred and cruelty in a world that could do so much better. Not only is being kind a very human action, but it is also good for human brains on a chemical level. Being kind to and connecting with others boosts important neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, which tell your brain to provide you with feelings of satisfaction and well-being. Pleasure centers of the brain can be activated and your brain can even release endorphins, a natural pain-killer. So if you’re depressed or feeling particularly down, a little act of kindness can help improve your own mood and mental health, not to mention the mood of the target of your kindness. Don’t forget, kindness isn’t limited to doing favors for others. It’s being kind to yourself when you’re struggling, or cleaning up outside and being kind to the environment and the Earth you live on, and being kind to animals and other creatures that share the world around you. Kindness is an unlimited resource and something you can always share with others if you’re willing to do so. While Kindness Day encourages acts of kindness every November 13th, by no means are you limited to one day, and if you work hard, every day can be Kindness Day, or at least maintain the spirit of what the day intends.

The 23-year-old holiday itself has an interesting history. It was forged by people devoted to improving the world around them. World Kindness Day was first conceptualized on September 7, 1997, during a conference in Tokyo, Japan. This conference was organized as a means to bring together the efforts of many different worldwide nations’ independent organizations devoted to kindness and peace. These small, non-governmental organizations combined became the World Kindness Movement, united by their shared goal of promoting kindness and understanding throughout their home countries. Once it had been established, the World Kindness Movement sought to build a kinder and more compassionate world, starting with the establishment of World Kindness Day. Since it was first celebrated in 1998, the event has spread to 28 different countries, including the United States, Australia, Italy, Singapore, Japan, India, and many others, despite the fact that it is not yet officially recognized by the United Nations. In 2010, the United Kingdom declared Kindness Day UK, an event celebrated and acknowledged by numerous charities, organizations, and schools across the United Kingdom. Since its launch, Kindness Day UK has been endorsed and supported by a number of celebrities, athletes, politicians, and religious leaders that encourage people across the United Kingdom to get out and perform acts of kindness. Eventually, Kindness Day UK may pave the way for other national events within different countries.

Anyone hoping to understand more ways they can how to be kind to others and engage more kindly with fellow humans can visit the World Kindness Movement’s website at https://www.theworldkindnessmovement.org/

Human Gratitude

Written By A. Alderman
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Categories: Blog Posts, UWF Student Authors

The Oxford English Dictionary’s definition of “grateful” is “the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.”

Being kind and receiving kindness are important parts of being human. Appreciating each other and the world around us is something inherent to our very DNA, as evidenced by ancient artwork and the behavior of our ancestors. Humans have been taking care of each other for thousands of years; protecting each other, forming connections, and appreciating life and the world around them. In Vietnam, archeologists studying the Neolithic burial site of Mán Bạc unearthed the body of a young adult. Referred to as “Burial 9,” he suffered from a severe bone disorder and was mostly paralyzed, yet lived for at least 10 years after his paralysis. His age and the care given to his grave indicate he was loved, protected, and nurtured despite his inability to hunt. Other archaeological discoveries include French wall paintings evidently made by children, who had to have been shown and taught how to do so, provided with the materials, and in some cases, lifted up to complete their drawings.

Knowing all this, we can surmise that humans have been celebrating life, compassion, and each other for thousands of years. Even if we can’t conceptualize the reasons behind “why” prehistoric humans did such things as care for their disabled or teach children to paint because we don’t truly know what the time period was like, we can make extremely educated guesses that all circle back around to the fact that humans are social animals. There would be nothing to gain from this behavior besides a good, warm feeling. From a chemical standpoint, human brains rely on social cues to help trigger the release of important chemicals. One example of this is smiling. The brain interprets the positioning of facial muscles as a trigger to release endorphins, regardless of whether the smile is being forced or if it is natural. Chemicals in the brain like dopamine and serotonin provide a feeling of satisfaction and happiness, while endorphins relieve pain. Simply being around other humans you enjoy can make you feel better, and little acts of kindness can have an effect on you and all the people around you.

Simply remembering positive memories and being grateful they happened can have a positive effect on your health. Focusing on how much you appreciate and enjoy something in your life gives you a strong sense of satisfaction that can have a lasting effect on stress and depression levels, especially if you try to be grateful each day of your life. Connecting to others may be more difficult given the virus, but people continue to find ways to interact with each other. Laughing together on video calls, seeing smiles and smiling yourself, and looking into someone’s eyes through a screen are still valid ways of interaction and provide you with more than being alone and quiet ever will. It can feel difficult and unfulfilling to interact with your family and peers if you’re still limited to digital interaction, but staying grateful for what you do have and avoiding despair will keep you safe from some of the more quiet effects of COVID-19. Remain connected with who you can and remember that connections are important.

An Open Letter About Kindness

Written By Kathlene Rushing
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Categories: Community

By Jack Hindle

Kindness day is November 13th, and with it comes a reflection of the past and thoughts for the future.


Kindness is this ethereal quality or trait that brings some of the best experiences to the human condition. To me, kindness is linked to memory and hope. When we remember the moments when people were kind to us, it romanticizes and recolors our lens of the past. It’s in those moments that we look back on with the most sentiment and joy. When we feel connected to those moments of kindness, it makes the future feel a little less opaque and a little less heartless. If we can find moments and memories that tie us to some sort of optimism, it leads us to believe that there is hope for tomorrow.


This is where kindness holds its power; it can give us glimpses of good moments, creating hope for more of those moments to come. Kindness creates uncontainable smiles and joy-filled tears. Kindness can be so strong in moments that it doesn’t have to be a massive act to change a person’s life. It can be as simple as a conversation or an understanding nod.


I don’t want this open letter to be just preaching kindness, though. I believe that most people know that they should be kind, and most people want to be kind and try to bring kindness into their world. However, I do think a more interesting question and examination would be what kindness looked like in the past compared to how kindness is experienced and looks like today. 


I am a younger individual, but from asking older relatives and people I know, they seem to suggest that in the past, kindness dealt more with being patient and staying in a role where there was a common type of kindness. Twenty to forty years ago, the world was slower, and communities were tighter. World affairs were not as known or easy to access. Kindness moved through a projection of mellow movements. People stopped quicker to talk, and those talks would take their time. The same older generations see today’s kindness move quicker and is more worldly. Being kind to others has changed in that people are more aware of societal issues; thus, there is a stronger pessimism that one person’s actions wouldn’t fix much of anything.


I can see where they are coming from; when one has a deeper understanding of political and cultural institutions, it tends to create more cynicism about those institutions. I also believe that our cultural interactions with kindness have shifted, but not exactly how the older people in my life see it. I think there is a more concentrated level of wanting kindness to be spread to all facets of life beyond that of the individual. Not to say that an entire generation thinks the same way, for they definitely don’t, but I think that is where the shift has been. Younger people want kindness at all levels of society. Before you read on, I want to state that the younger generations are not a monolith, just like older generations are not a monolith. I think that young people see older people’s rose-tinted visions of the past as, at best, naive and at worst deceitful, but that also isn’t the whole story. When someone older remembers good moments in their lives, including moments of kindness, it’s not like those moments or feelings didn’t happen. There might have been something else going on in the background, but there might not have been. It is always case to case, and most importantly, those moments of kindness affected their lives. They made lasting memories, and they feel better about their lives because of it.


Kindness in corporations, governmental systems, and individual actions would be incredible, even if it is quixotic or lofty in hopes. Just trying to bring kindness to your life at all times becomes complicated and muddy the more you think about it. Being completely kind is itself lofty; for example, say you like avocados, but you learn that some avocados are farmed using modern-day slavery. You could think, “Well, supporting this with my money is not kind to those who are enslaved, so I am not going to eat any avocados without knowing one hundred percent where they come from.” If it were just avocados, then that wouldn’t be the hardest thing to manage, but it’s not just avocados, it’s chocolate, tomatoes, clothes, and the list just keeps going on. The more a person understands the world, the harder it is to be entirely kind. To top it off, just being kind in a day-to-day setting where you aren’t focused on where your products come from is already incredibly hard. After all, we are all human and to err is human. We can get frustrated and angry. Life is hard. Dealing with life is complicated and dealing with oneself is hard.


None of this is to say that it is pointless to be kind; it is the opposite. When kindness feels out of reach, it makes it all the more important to strive for it. This includes kindness to yourself. It is knowing that you’re not going to get it right one hundred percent of the time. I know that’s hard as well, but knowing and accepting future mistakes will let you move through life easier. When you know a mistake will happen in the future, you can get a leg up on working through it and fixing it. Again, this is easier said than done, and I also struggle with this all the time, but trying is always better than not trying at all.


Today is national kindness day, and for the most part, most people will not know that today is a celebration of kindness. Most people will go about their day no differently than before. However, if you do know that today is national kindness day, try your best, do what you can, that’s all anyone can ask for, and that’s all you can do.


Important Phone Numbers For Pensacola Florida

Written By Kathlene Rushing
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Categories: Community, Guides, Pensacola

Emergency Phone Numbers

All Emergencies – Call 911


Report Price Gouging 866-966-7226

Insurance Consumer Helpline 1-877-693-5236

For evacuation and shelter information, please refer to:

Escambia County EMA: 850-471-6400 or bereadyescambia.com


FEMA: 800-621-3362

For storm surge threat graphics and other storm impacts:
NWS Mobile: www.weather.gov/mob


District 1: 850-595-4910
District 2:.850-595-4920
District 3: 850-595-4930
District 4: 850-595-4940
District 5: 850-595-4950


County Administrator: 850-595-4947

Animal Control: 850-595-0097

Animal Shelter: 850-595-3075

Code Compliance: 850-595-1820

Extension Service: 850-475-5230

Emergency Management: 850-471-6400

Environmental: 850-595-3623

Fraud, Waste & Abuse Hotline: 844-640-0008

Housing Information: 850-458-0466

Parks and Recreation: 850-475-5220

Planning and Zoning: 850-595-3475

Purchasing: 850-595-4980

Public Works: 850-595-3451

Recycling: 850-937-2160

Road & Bridge Division: 850-937-2120

Waste Services: 850-937-2160

Clerk of Court: 850-595-4310

Property Appraiser: 850-434-2735

City of Pensacola: 850-435-1603

Town of Century: 850-256-3208

Tax Collector: 850-438-6500

Supervisor of Elections: 850-595-3900

Information Referral: 211