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How To Check For Bed Bugs In A Hotel Room During Your Summer Vacation 

Bed bugs are small, round brown insects that feed on human blood, especially at night. They can cause massive, large-scale infestations relatively quickly and often require repeated treatments until they can be completely removed from a location. Since they spread so easily (usually by clinging to personal items)  vigilance is important in order to keep them out of your home.

Even some of the best hotels in the south can find themselves with a bedbug infestation during the warmer months when visitor traffic is high and humans are in close, dense proximity.  It’s important for anyone hoping to spend time in a hotel, motel, cabin, or Airbnb to be aware of bedbugs and how to check for their presence in any hotel room, especially if you’re staying in an area with a lot of people.

How To Check For Bed Bugs In A Hotel Room During Your Summer Vacation

(image source: https://unsplash.com/photos/PXPleXh2m7s)


First, know what they look like.

How To Check For Bed Bugs In A Hotel Room During Your Summer Vacation(image source: https://free-images.com/display/bed_bug_on_carpet.html


Bed bugs are very small, about 4-5 mm long, and have flat, brown bodies that can fit within cracks in walls or personal belongings. They smell very distinctly like rotten strawberries. Eggs are small, opaque, and white, and can stick to surfaces.

How To Check For Bed Bugs In A Hotel Room During Your Summer Vacation

(image source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/black-luggage-bag-beside-door-3277930/)


Second, take precautions

Before checking for bedbugs, place your suitcases on a raised stand or in the bathtub before checking the living area. Clothes should be never left on the floor and should be washed as soon as guests return home. Bed bugs can crawl into and onto most belongings and suitcases are rife with crevices and hiding places for the bloodsucking insects. They have been known to hitch rides inside places as small as laptop computers or purses.

Next, check where they can be found.

How To Check For Bed Bugs In A Hotel Room During Your Summer Vacation

(image source: https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/home-sofa-with-objects-cozy-decor-living-room_8946138.htm#page=1&query=carpet&position=36&from_view=search)


Bed bugs like warm, dark places where humans have been, like beds, chairs, couches, cushions, and pillows. They find shelter and stay there living in clusters until they leave to feed every five to seven days. When done, they follow a chemical trail back to their homes.

While beds are the obvious first place to check, hotels will clean and change sheets between guests, so it’s important to check the rest of the room and not rely on only examining the bed. 

When examining beds, be sure to carefully check the seams and folds of your mattress and pillows for bugs, eggs, molted skin, or any remains of their existence. 

After beds, check cushions, furniture crevices, pillows, and anywhere they may be hiding after the bed sheets have been replaced. Checking areas where furniture meets the carpet or walls is important, as is checking crevices behind dressers and shelves. 

Fourth, know what the bites look like. 

How To Check For Bed Bugs In A Hotel Room During Your Summer Vacation(image source: https://free-images.com/display/2015_11_26_192551.html)


Preferably, your trips won’t come to this point if you’ve checked thoroughly, but if you find small, red lesions or blisters appearing over your body, especially in areas covered by bedsheets, then you have a surefire way of confirming an infestation and should report this to your lodgings as soon as possible.

Written By A. Alderman

Yellow Fly Relief Recipe: Natural Remedy For Soothing Bites

When the buzzing menace of yellow flies becomes a nuisance during your outdoor adventures in Florida, finding relief from their bites becomes a top priority. Thankfully, nature provides us with an effective remedy to soothe the discomfort caused by these relentless insects. In this guide, we present a yellow fly relief recipe featuring natural ingredients known for their soothing properties. From simple homemade solutions to tried-and-true remedies, discover the power of nature in alleviating the itch and irritation caused by yellow fly bites. Regain your outdoor serenity and enjoy the beauty of Florida without the annoyance of these bothersome pests.

Written By Kathlene Rushing
Kathlene Rushing is a prolific writer with a passion for the Gulf Coast. Having lived on the coast for more than 10 years, she has a deep understanding of the culture and atmosphere that allows her to speak openly about all that Pensacola has to offer.
Author's Website: https://webnetmobilesites.com